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Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

How to Have Mind Blowing Sex

As a relationship matures, sex inevitably starts to become boring. Both partners have learned what turns the other on and both are comfortable in their relationship. While in some respects this may be a good thing, it isn't necessarily a good thing for your sex life. Doing the same old moves in the same tired places, almost like a choreographed dance can suck the life out of your sex life and leave you wanting more.

How do you repair the damage? How can you make sex fun again?

These are the two fundamental questions that we're going to attempt to answer for you. While sex certainly isn't the be all and end all of a relationship, it is an important part and should be nurtured just like any other part of your relationship. Making sex fun and exciting is a key element to having mind blowing sex.


Location is a huge part of sex. While bedroom sex can be good, having intercourse in a dangerous or sexy location can ramp up your sex life exponentially. The thrill of danger can be a huge turn on. Why not try having sex in a bathroom stall or along a hiking trail? Take your partner out for an innocent looking hike, pack some blankets and maybe a picnic lunch, and make love to them when they're least expecting it. Not only do you get to enjoy a nice hike together, but you get the added bonus of dangerous mind blowing sex!


Sometimes in relationships, we tend to forget about romance. This can lead to a stale love life very quickly. Your partner wants to feel wanted, and by going that extra mile to make them feel sexy, you can bring your sex life up a level...or two.

Here's an example. When your partner is scheduled to get off work, find a sitter for the kids and have a candlelit massage parlour set up just for him or her. Have sexy oils, candlelight, some wine, sexy music and some blankets ready to go. Watch their face light up when they enter the house, and treat them like the King or Queen that they are. Not only will you make their day, but you'll also get to erotically touch them all over. Making love while oiled up is never a bad thing either.

Toys and more toys

Experiment a little. Try shopping for some sex toys together, and explore your adventurous side. Maybe he or she has been dying to try something new in the bedroom, but hasn't worked up the courage to say so yet. Make the decision for them, and pick up a few toys that are sure to blow their minds. Toys can seriously add to the experience, and it's different, which is always a good thing.

Practice these tips for a mind blowing sex experience. There are hundreds of variations that can be used, and feel free to explore them. Sex should never be boring. It should be fun, exciting, loving and romantic. Don't let repetition turn your love life stale!

Want to have mind-blowing sex? Head over to for amazing secrets to make your partner melt in a wave of pleasure...

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