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Senin, 18 Februari 2008

Websites You Should Have Bookmarked Part #1

1. Authority Black Book
Learn Web 2.0 Tools And Tactics That Generate Traffic Instantly?
Do NOT Buy Any Product That Says Web 2.0 Until You Read The 100% FREE Authority Black Book!
Here's A Small Sample Of What You'll Learn In The Authority Black Book:
Over 500 links to the most powerful and useful Web 2.0 traffic and buzz resources on the web! We're talking immmediate traffic to your mini-sites, Adsense sites or affiliate sites.
How to use RSS subscriptions to explode your reach! So many marketers and webmasters are doing RSS the wrong way... we'll show you the right way!
How to create and syndicate video to the top video sharing sites for high-powered and valuable backlinks (Google likes video links!)
Linkbait: What is it, How to write it, and how to generate massive buzz and hundreds of backlinks in your niche using it.
A tool to instantly and with the click of a button bookmark any page on the web in all the social bookmarking sites – FREE!
Where to get buttons for your browser to submit your pages to all the leading buzz sites like Netscape, StumbleUpon, Reddit and dozens more!
Thorough explanations of more technical steps and strategies by Jack Humphrey, the author of Power Linking Profits and the Authority Black Book.

2. Beginner's Guide To Search Engine Optimization

This guide provides a complete overview of many of the processes, techniques and strategies used by professional search engine optimization specialists.

This guide represents the opinions of Rand Fishkin, the author, and of contributors who assisted in its creation. This guide is not representative of the guidelines of any of the search engines mentioned (Yahoo!, MSN, Google or AskJeeves). If you have contributions, criticism or would like to discuss this piece, please visit this Beginners' Guide thread at Cre8asiteForums.

3. BlogBash: Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging - Learn from 30 Experts - 30 days 30 experts!
was one of the most successful events ever done on the Chitika Blog. Dreamed up by Chitika's CTO Alden DoRosario and inspired by an interesting series from the Month of Apple Bugs, Chitika's goal for this event was to "empower the blogger."
The experts wrote about an array of wide-ranging topics, from "Dare to be Odd" and "Shopping and Blogging: How to make the marriage work", to "Help me! My mom is my blogs only reader!" and many more.
Go ahead; explore the deep secrets of these 30 expert bloggers, learn from their mistakes and their success as we celebrate YOU the blogger!

4. Blog Profits Blueprint
Most bloggers are rewarded with little more than "chump change" for their time, expertise and efforts. Download My New Blog Profits Blueprint FREE and let me show you...

"How To Earn US $5000+ Per Month FromYour Blog, 'Working' As Little As 2 Hours Per Day"

Let me Take You 'Behind The Scenes' Of My Blogging Empire And I'll Show You How I make a Full Time Income Blogging Part Time...

Here are some of the things you'll learn....

5. Dive Into Web 2.0
introduces the principles, applications, technologies, companies, business models and monetization strategies of Web 2.0. The eBook provides you with Web 2.0 literacy and points you to extensive resources where you'll find additional information. Dive Into Web 2.0, along with the many free Resource Centers on our website, evolved from research we’ve done to build our own Web 2.0 businesses. In the spirit of Web 2.0, we are sharing this research with the community.
Dive Into Web 2.0 is a chapter from our book, Internet and World Wide Web How to Program, 4/e (Prentice Hall, ©2008; order from or By offering this chapter as an eBook, we're able to keep it up-to-date with the latest developments in Web 2.0. Check this site regularly for the most recent version. The eBook version of the chapter contains extensive hyperlinking to 80 Deitel Resource Centers and many other Web 2.0 websites and blogs.

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