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Senin, 02 Juni 2008

Anna Kournikova Tennis Player

Russian tennis star Anna Kournikova first discovered tennis when she was five years old. After six years of practice in her native Moscow, Russia, she became more serious about the sport and moved to Florida at age 11 to learn at famed tennis coach Nick Bollettieri’s Tennis Academy. As her skills increased, she excelled on the junior circuit. Winning both the European Championships and Italian Open, she entered the pro ranks in 1996 as the International Tennis Federation (ITF) Junior World Champion.

Her pro career has had its ups and downs, and after nagging back injuries Kournikova has all but given up professional tennis. After a promising start to her career, she never won a pro singles tournament but managed a consistent top-20 ranking. She did, however, excel on the doubles circuit. Frequently paired with Martina Hingis, the duo ranked number-one and took 16 doubles titles (including three Grand Slam events).

In 2003 she made her last professional tennis appearance and underwent back surgery. But despite her fame on the court, Kournikova’s star still shines because of her stunning good looks. Today she remains a top internet search and has ventured into modeling, becoming the most photographed woman in sports ever. Much of that includes scantily clad swimsuit spreads in such publications as Maxim, FHM, and Sports Illustrated’s legendary Swimsuit Issue

Over the years her good looks have also landed her numerous lucrative endorsement deals, the likes of which include Adidas and Lycos. She has also appeared in the music videos of fiancĂ© Enrique Iglesias; and although she hasn’t returned to pro tennis, she still plays in many exhibition and charity events.

Some say that Kournikova single-handedly changed the game of tennis. Her good looks drew attention to the sport, piquing interest from men and women alike and renewing the sport’s draw. On the court, rising stars such as Maria Sharapova, Daniela Hantuchova and Jelena Dokic keep the trend going that Anna began, as all three are successful on the court and as models.

Senin, 07 April 2008

How To Improve Your Google Adsense Earning

Google AdSense is a powerful program, but it is important to plan carefully when implementing an online advertising strategy. This article tells you “How To Increase Your Google AdSense Earnings”

To many beginning website owners, the Google AdSense program can seem like a program for free money, but in fact earning money from hosting ads take planning, patience, and lots of hard work. While it is possible to earn a very good living from hosting AdSense ads, the truth is that most people do not use the program to its maximum potential. What separates those few top earners from all the rest is knowledge, and it is important to gather plenty of information to improve your Google Adsense earnings.

If webmasters want to monetize their websites, the great way to do it is through Google Adsense. There are lots of webmasters struggling hard to earn some good money a day through their sites. But then some of the “geniuses” of them are enjoying hundreds of dollars a day from Google Adsense ads on their websites. What makes these webmasters different from the other kind is that they are different and they think out of the box.

The ones who have been there and done it have quite some useful tips to help those who would want to venture into this field. Some of these tips have boosted quite a lot of earnings in the past and is continuously doing so.

Here are some 5 proven ways on how best to improve your Google Adsense earnings.

  1. Concentrating on one format of Google Adsense ad. The one format that worked well for the majority is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This same format has the tendency to result in higher CTR, or the click-through rates. Why choose this format out of the many you can use? Basically because the ads will look like normal web links, and people, being used to clicking on them, click these types of links. They may or may not know they are clicking on your Google Adsense ads but as long as there are clicks, then it will all be for your advantage.
  2. Create a custom palette for your Google Adsense ads. Choose a color that will go well with the background of your site. If your site has a white background, try to use white as the color of your ad border and background. The idea to patterning the colors is to make the Adsense look like it is part of the web pages. Again, this will result to more clicks from people visiting your site.
  3. Remove the Google Adsense from the bottom pages of your site and put them at the top. Do not try to hide your Google Adsense. Put them in the place where people can see them quickly. You will be amazed how the difference between Google Adsense locations can make when you see your earnings.
  4. Maintain links to relevant websites. If you think some sites are better off than the others, put your ads there and try to maintaining and managing them. If there is already lots of Google Adsense put into that certain site, put yours on top of all of them. That way visitor will see your ads first upon browsing into that site.
  5. Try to automate the insertion of your Google Adsense code into the webpages using SSI (or server side included). Ask your web administrator if your server supports SSI or not. How do you do it? Just save your Google Adsense code in a text file, save it as “adsense text”, and upload it to the root directory of the web server. Then using SSI, call the code on other pages. This tip is a time saver especially for those who are using automatic page generators to generate pages on their website.

These are some of the tips that have worked well for some who want to generate hundreds and even thousands on their websites. It is important to know though that ads are displayed because it fits the interest of the people viewing them. So focusing on a specific topic should be your primary purpose because the displays will be especially targeted on a topic that persons will be viewing already.

Note also that there are many other Google Adsense sharing the same topic as you. It is best to think of making a good ad that will be somewhat different and unique than the ones already done. Every click through that visitors make is a point for you so make every click count by making your Google Adsense something that people will definitely click on.

Tips given by those who have boosted their earnings are just guidelines they want to share with others. If they have somehow worked wonders to some, maybe it can work wonders for you too. Try them out into your ads and see the result it will bring.

If others have done it, there is nothing wrong trying it out for yourself.

Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

Making Money from Selling Advertising Space

If you would observe the company that delivers the daily paper to your doorstep for a business case study, you will come to learn that the newspaper publisher hires reporters, writers and other important staff to create the contents and deliver the papers to their readers.

In addition to the above mention, the publisher has to invest regularly in heavy duty machineries and tons of papers in printing tons of newspapers on a daily basis.

And in order to ensure that the newspapers are delivered on time, the publisher appoints agents at every part of the covered territory.

So, how does the newspaper company make money? It is obvious that selling a copy of the papers at less than a dollar would not even be able to even fund the operations.

The answer? Selling advertising spaces! You have definitely seen lots of advertisements in the newspaper. The publisher simply sells advertising space in the papers to advertisers who want to leverage their advertising efforts on the paper’s high readership.

On the same analogy, you can make money the exact way from your newsletter: simply by selling advertising space to prospective advertisers!

If your mailing list size exceeds 1,000 (5,000 is recommended) subscribers and beyond, you can start selling advertising space for say, $10.00 per sponsor ad.

In this manner, you turn every issue you send out to your subscribers into a profit-pulling device. And since there is virtually no end to the stream of advertisers as products, services and businesses are cropping every single day in every industry imaginable, so are your money making opportunities.

How To Make Money Using PayPal

Paypal is the dominant payment processor on the internet today. It is hard to go just two sites now without finding someone who accepts this as a form of payment, it has made buying things dangerously easy! So how do you flip the coin and make money using PayPal?

There are a few different options, let's look at each in turn:


Blogging is the act of setting up a website with a blog installed on it (or using one of the free versions that host it for you) which enables you to quickly post your thoughts/articles online whenever you want.

The reason this has become so popular is because it takes away almost all of the technical aspects of creating a site (depending how much you want to customise you site). So a blog can now be installed with just a few clicks and then all posts made with a few clicks.

To make money using PayPal and your blog then you can either sell services, like doing reviews for people, maybe writing articles for them, or try affiliate marketing or even selling your own books through the blog. The blog is the way you advertise to people so that as they are drawn to the content on your blog they get to see your adverts for the other items and may buy.

Affiliate marketing:

This is the art of getting people to visit a specific site using your link. You place links on your blog to sites that you want to make money from and get people to click through those links and visit the sites, if they then buy something you get a percentage of that sale.

Most affiliate schemes pay by cheque or direct bank deposit, but pays straight into your PayPal account!

Selasa, 18 Maret 2008

How to get indexed by Google and othe search engines

This question have been often asked by impatient bloggers on forums. Well, if you are patient, nowadays, you don't need to do anything, and your blog will eventually be indexed by Google and other search engines. However, it may take some time. If you are impatient, perhaps there are various things you can do.

The best thing you can do is to get inbound links from sites that have already been indexed by the search engines. Then when spider go to that site to crawl the site, it will come across you link and will go to you site to crawl it too. This will also do you good as having links to your sites will increase seaarch engine ranking. However, this is easier said than done unless you have your own site which has already been indexed. If you have no one to turn to to ask for inbound links, perhaps you can try to search for similar sites and offer to exchange links. For such purposes, it will be advantages to know the PageRank of the sites. See this post on how you can easily find the PageRank of your own site and any other sites: How to get the PageRank of your and other sites. (close the new window to get back to this page). Other ways to get links is to submit to blog directories.

Submit site to Directories

You can also submit your site to blog or other directories to get inbound links. To make your task easier, it is good to carefully prepare in advance title and a short description of your blog which you can use for all the directories, otherwise you will have to type it each time you try to submit your blog to a directory.

The best directory to get listed on is the Open Directory. To submit your site to Open Directory, go to How to suggest a site to the Open Directory. (Close the new window to get back to this page). Google, and many other search engines, uses the data of the Open Directory Project. In fact, Google Directory is taken from DMOZ, so if you get listed in DMOZ, your site is also listed in Google Directory. This means your site will have 2 high PageRank and authoritative site. However, it is VERY hard to get into the Open Directory. This blog got listed in DMOZ. You can read about it here: DMOZ, the most important directory, and Blogger Tips and Tricks got listed without even submitting (click BACK button to get back to this page).

It is easier to submit your blog to blog directories. There are many blog directories. Here are some blog directories:(Close new windows to get back to this page)

There are many other blog directories. When I have the time, I will compile them into a post and put a link here.

Submit URL to search enginesYou can also submit your URL to search engines, but I hear they may not help much. Anyway, here are the links to the sites where you can submit your URL to search engines:

Add a Google Sitemap to your blog

Some are of the opinion that adding a Google sitemap will help your blog get indexed faster. In any case, adding a Google Sitemap to your blog has its advantages. It will make it easier for the spider to crawl your site. To get instruction on how to add a Google Sitemap to your blog, go to Adding a Google Sitemap to your blog. (Close the new window to get back to this page)

Senin, 18 Februari 2008

Websites You Should Have Bookmarked Part #1

1. Authority Black Book
Learn Web 2.0 Tools And Tactics That Generate Traffic Instantly?
Do NOT Buy Any Product That Says Web 2.0 Until You Read The 100% FREE Authority Black Book!
Here's A Small Sample Of What You'll Learn In The Authority Black Book:
Over 500 links to the most powerful and useful Web 2.0 traffic and buzz resources on the web! We're talking immmediate traffic to your mini-sites, Adsense sites or affiliate sites.
How to use RSS subscriptions to explode your reach! So many marketers and webmasters are doing RSS the wrong way... we'll show you the right way!
How to create and syndicate video to the top video sharing sites for high-powered and valuable backlinks (Google likes video links!)
Linkbait: What is it, How to write it, and how to generate massive buzz and hundreds of backlinks in your niche using it.
A tool to instantly and with the click of a button bookmark any page on the web in all the social bookmarking sites – FREE!
Where to get buttons for your browser to submit your pages to all the leading buzz sites like Netscape, StumbleUpon, Reddit and dozens more!
Thorough explanations of more technical steps and strategies by Jack Humphrey, the author of Power Linking Profits and the Authority Black Book.

2. Beginner's Guide To Search Engine Optimization

This guide provides a complete overview of many of the processes, techniques and strategies used by professional search engine optimization specialists.

This guide represents the opinions of Rand Fishkin, the author, and of contributors who assisted in its creation. This guide is not representative of the guidelines of any of the search engines mentioned (Yahoo!, MSN, Google or AskJeeves). If you have contributions, criticism or would like to discuss this piece, please visit this Beginners' Guide thread at Cre8asiteForums.

3. BlogBash: Deep Secrets of Successful Blogging - Learn from 30 Experts - 30 days 30 experts!
was one of the most successful events ever done on the Chitika Blog. Dreamed up by Chitika's CTO Alden DoRosario and inspired by an interesting series from the Month of Apple Bugs, Chitika's goal for this event was to "empower the blogger."
The experts wrote about an array of wide-ranging topics, from "Dare to be Odd" and "Shopping and Blogging: How to make the marriage work", to "Help me! My mom is my blogs only reader!" and many more.
Go ahead; explore the deep secrets of these 30 expert bloggers, learn from their mistakes and their success as we celebrate YOU the blogger!

4. Blog Profits Blueprint
Most bloggers are rewarded with little more than "chump change" for their time, expertise and efforts. Download My New Blog Profits Blueprint FREE and let me show you...

"How To Earn US $5000+ Per Month FromYour Blog, 'Working' As Little As 2 Hours Per Day"

Let me Take You 'Behind The Scenes' Of My Blogging Empire And I'll Show You How I make a Full Time Income Blogging Part Time...

Here are some of the things you'll learn....

5. Dive Into Web 2.0
introduces the principles, applications, technologies, companies, business models and monetization strategies of Web 2.0. The eBook provides you with Web 2.0 literacy and points you to extensive resources where you'll find additional information. Dive Into Web 2.0, along with the many free Resource Centers on our website, evolved from research we’ve done to build our own Web 2.0 businesses. In the spirit of Web 2.0, we are sharing this research with the community.
Dive Into Web 2.0 is a chapter from our book, Internet and World Wide Web How to Program, 4/e (Prentice Hall, ©2008; order from or By offering this chapter as an eBook, we're able to keep it up-to-date with the latest developments in Web 2.0. Check this site regularly for the most recent version. The eBook version of the chapter contains extensive hyperlinking to 80 Deitel Resource Centers and many other Web 2.0 websites and blogs.

Rabu, 16 Januari 2008

How To Make Money Online With Google Adsense - Total Newbie Guide

Well where should I start? I was one of the MANY people who tried to find a profitable internet business to make extra income. I bought every single money making ebook and tried just about every program out there. Though, most were scams, those that did work, made me no more than a few dollars.
I recall coming home from work everyday to sit infront of a computer searching for my internet success. I almost gave up, thinking that there was no way I was going to make a living off of this thing.

I read forums, ebook after ebook, newsletters, I tried them all. After a while I learned the tricks of the trade, and developed the knowledge of how everything works and I finally did it.
Now that I'm situated in my life, I'll provide you with My Free service that made me lots of money. Though there's one thing I found out and remember this, There is no way you can make money online, without spending money.

Here are some simple steps to get you started:

1. Get Web Hosting and a Domain Name.

2. Sign up for Adsense.

3. Start Building Content and your Website with Xsite Pro.

4. Promote, Advertise and everything else in your power to get traffic.

5. Watch the money start pouring in.

You must learn to build and grow your website, who knows, maybe you'll start earning big money like the pro's who earn thousands a month doing nothing, except for what they love to do.
Joe Peace'll Setup an Adsense Empire for you for FREE! 200+ Content Rich Pages.

How to Increase CTR of Blog Traffic - PPC Internet Marketing Advice

Almost all bloggers monetize their traffic with the help of PPC (pay per click) programs and systems, among which Google AdSense program is the most famous one. And, of course, one of the most important tasks of every blog owner who uses PPC program is to make more people click the ads: the higher percentage of clickers is - the better.

All these efforts come down to simple question: how to increase CTR level of my ads? Note: CTR is click through rate which shows the % of the people who click on the ads.
Try to put yourself into the shoes of blog visitor, and the situation gets clear. Only the person who is search hungry is very likely to click the ads of PPC program, because these ads are usually very good in giving more relevant results to the search hungry visitors of your blog. These people are happy to find as much info around their topic as possible, and their clicking habit at this very moment is extremely high.

So, search hungry people who came to your blog from the search engines are very likely to show better CTR and click on your PPC ads a lot more
And this is the time when modern PPC Internet marketing solutions come to help.
Technologically it is possible to set up your ads to be displayed only to the traffic that comes to your blog from search engines. You are not dispersing the efforts any longer. If the solution "sees" that blog visitor A is a regular visitor to this blog - it is very likely that he or she is reading the content of this blog very attentively and will not be mentioning the PPC ads. When solution "sees" that visitor B came to the blog right from the search engine and has come here for the first time, this person should see the PPC ads.

Solutions that help to create this kind of scenarios greatly help to display the necessary type of ads to the necessary type of audience: affiliate offers for loyal blog visitors, PPC ads for the traffic that has just come from search engines to the blog. This increases the effect from your advertising and will give you very nice CTR on PPC ads which is also a nice record to be shown to other potential advertisers.
Create scenarios for PPC ads with blog platform of this successful blogger
Read more about blogging and PPC Internet marketing advice

Kamis, 03 Januari 2008

Using Titles Effectively on Blogs

My Mum drilled into me at a young age that first impressions are important.

Outside of the design of your blog (that’s a whole other post) perhaps the best way of creating that impression is though your post’s title.

Titles are so important on many fronts - including:

Grabbing Attention in Search Engines - Head over to Google and type in virtually any word you can think of and you’ll often find millions of results. The interesting thing is that for most search results in Google (and other SE’s) there is very little for readers to go by in deciding which result to click on. There is a title, a short excerpt and a URL. The most highlighted of these is the title and I believe it is key in getting SE referral clicks.

Getting RSS Readers Attention - in a very similar way titles have the ability to grab the attention of those following your blog via RSS in news aggregators. Even if your feeds are full post feeds rather than excerpts it’s likely that most news aggregator readers scan the titles of posts for things that interest them rather than reading full text. The same principle is true in other indexes and directories like Technorati,, digg etc

Loyal Readers - Good titles also impact the way your loyal readers interact with your blog. As I’ve already mentioned - web users scan pages and one of the best ways to make them pause as they roll their eyes down your site is to capture their attention with a good title that intrigues them enough to slow down their frantic web surfing and actually read some of the content that you’ve pour time and energy into.

Search Engine Optimization - While there are many factors that contribute to how search engines ranks a page of your blog, one of the most powerful onsite factors are the words that you use in the title of that page. This means making sure that the titles of your posts end up being in the

Using Titles Successfully

There are many strategies that successful bloggers use to draw attention to their posts with titles. There is no real right or wrong and as with many aspects of blogging what is a ‘good title’ is a little subjective. Having said this - you might want to consider these six factors in writing titles for your blog posts:

Keep it Simple - Most research I’ve seen into titles seems to argue that the most effective titles are short, simple and easy to understand. While breaking these rules can help grab attention (see below) they can also confuse, frustrate and put a glazed look in the eyes of potential readers. Shorter titles are also good for Search Engines - keep it under 40 or so characters and you’ll ensure the whole title appears in search results.

Grab Attention - Good titles set your posts apart from the clutter around them and then draw readers into your post. Grabbing attention might happen using tactics of ’shock’, ‘big claims’, ‘controversy’ or even ‘confusion’. While these tactics do work at getting people in - it should also be said that they can do more damage than good if the rest of your post doesn’t live up to the promises your title makes. By all means try to grab attention - just just ‘trick’ your readers into thinking you’ll provide them with something you can’t give them.

Meet a Need - An effective title draws people into reading more because they feel you’ve got something to say that they NEED to hear. Indexes like illustrate just how effective this is. Quite often the articles that get to the top of the list are ‘how to…’ or ‘tutorial’ type articles that show readers that they will learn how to solve a problem or need that they might have.

Describe - Some readers will be drawn into a post by a cryptic title that doesn’t tell them much about what they’ll be reading - but the majority of readers need to know something about what they’ll find if they read further. Titles should describe (in a word or few) what readers will get in the main post.

Use Key Words - As I mentioned above - titles are a powerful part of SEO. If you want to maximize their power you need to consider using the keywords that you want your post to be found with in your title in some way. This of course is challenging when you are attempting to ‘keep it simple’ and to also ‘grab attention and intrigue’ - but it can be done. Words at the start of titles are thought to be more powerful than words at the end when it comes to SEO.

One last tip on titles - Take your time with your titles. Many bloggers pour a lot of effort into writing engaging and interesting posts - but then just slap any old title onto it without realizing that in doing so they might be ensuring that their post is never read.

Treat your title as an mini advertisement for your work. Take at least a few minutes before hitting publish to not only make sure your post is in order - but that your title is going to do everything it can to maximize the chances that people will engage with what you have to say.