Your Ad Here

Minggu, 16 Desember 2007

Add your Adsense Knowlegde

Vertical Ads
Place vertical ads on the right side of the page. Most surfers tend to use their mouse to scroll down on the right side of the page; so placing your tower (or vertical) ads on the right gives it a higher chance of grabbing the visitor’s attention.

Small Ads
Studies say that the upper right hand corner is the first spot on your site that someone sees. Try placing your small ads at the top right hand corner. Grab the visitor’s attention when they first come to your site with your AdSense ads. If an ad interests them, they’re still going to browse through your site, but they will come back to click through that ad.

Ad Format
Wider ads appeal to more visitors because they’re easier to read. If something is easy to read, someone is more likely to take the time to read everything rather than just glancing at the first few words. However, it’s important to balance your ads and the content on your pages. You’ll discover that the way you think the ads should be for optimal CTR aren’t always where they need to be. Monitor your ad placement versus CTR and you’ll find the place and format that works best on each page.

Size of Ads
Again, you’ll have to experiment on your site, but AdSense webmasters and insiders all seem to agree that the following ad sizes result in the higher CTR:336 x 280 Large Rectangle160 x 600 Wide Skyscraper120 x 600 SkyscraperThese formats are easy to read and attract attention.

Color of Ads
Remember it’s very important for the ads to blend into your site. Use the same background color for your ads that you use on your site. However, don’t forget to change the color of the links to match as well. This helps blend them even more.

Amount of Ads
If you ever go through sales training for a job, you’ll learn that the customer has to trust you in order to buy from you. This isn’t any different with a website. It’s hard to build credibility when you don’t have the chance to meet them in person and let them see your smile or get to know you a bit, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Too many ads on a site are the equivalent of spam in email. If your page has too many ads, it makes every ad you have less credible. Instantly, your customers do not feel like you are trustworthy, and they’ll probably leave your site immediately for fear of adware being installed on their computer. Your site should be about the content, not about ads. If your site is getting a lot of traffic, you’re going to be very successful with targeted ads from AdSense. Stick with it and don’t participate in every popular ad bank out there. It will cost you ad revenue because it will make you less credible.

Type of Ads
If you’re going to display other ads in addition to AdSense ads, be sure those ads are just as credible because, again, people have to trust you to some degree to click through. If you’re advertising free adult shows on your homemade jewelry site, nobody is going to trust any of the ads you’re displaying. AdSense targeted ads help build confidence and trust. Don’t discredit yourself by placing any ad that you can find on your site. It will only cost you a high CTR. If you want to put other ads on your site and on a page with AdSense ads, make sure it’s not against Google’s TOS before doing so.

Ads on Multiple Pages
Having AdSense ads on more than one page can increase your CTR, but also adds more interesting information to your site and offers more selection. Ads can be placed on forum pages, article pages, and even merchandise pages if placed correctly. Having different AdSense ads on different pages offers your visitors more options. Of course, they are all targeted ads, so you are providing them a service while increasing your revenue.

Reduce Your Filter List
While your AdSense filter list filters out unwanted content, if your list gets too large, it filters out the number of ads that can appear. Instead of blocking a top-level domain from appearing, only block the exact pages you don’t want.

Search Box
Put a Google search box on your site. You’ll be doing a service for your customers by allowing them to search from your site, but you’ll also be paid for every ad they click through on the results page. This is an excellent way to let your visitors find the ad that they want to click through. How much easier can it get? They’re searching for something that they’re determined to find; you provide the vehicle for them to find it and be paid for helping them. Go to Google and check out their AdSense for Search program.

Treat AdSense Like a Business
Ads that don’t look like Ads
Take away the border and background colors of your AdSense ads. These make them stand out as ads rather than information your visitors will be interested in. As said earlier, your ads should blend into the page. By making them appear as information you’re providing, you’re giving them another point of interest rather than an ad that many people might shy away from. This screen shot below is a good example. The ads are framed in a column as the rest of the page’s information is. It is not made to stand out. They blend in and become part of the content. Your AdSense ads are not just ads you are displaying on your age in hopes of making a few extra cents. Many webmasters enjoy thousands of dollars a month and more in revenue from AdSense. Those webmasters, however, treat it like a business of its own. They monitor traffic and where it comes from, key phrases that draw in more traffic. Don’t just track your site’s content, product, or service success. Track AdSense as well and make it work for you.

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